Sunday, December 26, 2010

Be a HAM (Amateur Radio Operator)

Which is the best one amongst the 3? Wireless? Walkie?? Mobile???

With no second thought you can narrow it to Wireless!
This is one of the best available wireless communicating mode in the world today.

Amateur Radio or Ham Radio as it is called is a fascinating hobby. Isn't it hair-raising when sitting in the confines of his/her cozy room, a radio amateur (also called a ham) with a wireless set can talk to a geologist in the Antarctica, astronauts on the ISS (international space station), or the captain of an Italian ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean?

Amateur Radio Operator, popularly known as HAMs has the best and the most reliable frequencies to communicate at any point in time at any place and at any instance.

From last 2 decades, though there is lot of awareness regarding this technical hobby, it is disastrous to understand that our country India has the least no. of licensed Amateur Radio Operators.

What is Amateur Radio?
People who pursue the hobby of using a personal radio station to communicate, purely for non commercial purposes, with other radio hobbyists call it ham radio or Amateur Radio. They call themselves Amateur Radio Operators, Ham Radio Operators or just HAMS. Hams communicate with other hams, around the block, on a distant continent or from an orbiting space station! Some talk via computers, others prefer to use regular voice communications and still other enjoy using one of the oldest forms of radio communication - The Morse Code. To start with you need to get a license from the Government of your country to go on air.

If you were to ask a dozen different amateurs what ham radio meant to them chances are you would get 12 different answers. Radio amateurs have discovered a richly rewarding high-tech hobby that has many different appeals to different people. Whether it is the ability to talk to local friends over the radio waves using a hand-held transceiver, communicating digitally with packet radio to exchange personal messages or vital information in an emergency, talking to other hams anywhere in the world, or engaging in contests with other Radio Amateurs over the airwaves, there is something for everybody.

Amateurs are often affectionately called hams. The source of the name HAM is not known but it has been around almost from the beginning of amateur radio in the early 1900s. The name amateur has nothing to do with skill or knowledge but rather implies that ham radio cannot be used for commercial or revenue generating purposes.

What Hams Do?
Whether you would like to chat with your friends on the way to work or school, check into a net (An Amateur Radio net happens on a particular channel where a group of hams can discuss on a topic of mutual interest),

connect to others via a repeater or an amateur radio satellite, or volunteer for emergency services, amateur radio is the first and foremost about communication. Radios can be hand-held transceivers similar to a walkie-talkie, a mobile unit for use in a car or other vehicle, or a base station with an outdoor antenna used for local or distance communication.

Keep a follow-up on by blog for more interesting stuff on this wonderful hobby!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Be passionate, but don't kill yourself

I hope you're very passionate about your job. Whether your job satisfaction comes from the people you work with, the sense of achievement, a deep belief in what you're doing, the recognition you get, the money you earn or anything else - i hope you get enough out of the job to feel very passionate about doing it

But don't fall into the trap of thinking that if you're passionate you have to work long hours and jump through countless hoops to prove it. Being passionate isn't the same thing as staying late at the office. If you have a positive sense of belief in your work, and an enthusiasm for it, that will shine through. Your boss will recognise it and, I trust, appreciate it, regardless of the hours you put in.

It isn't necessary to work yourself into the ground in order to be passionate about your work. In fact, it's hard to sustain your love of a job that is slowly draining all your energy. It's what you achieve that counts, not how long it takes you to achieve it. You might argue that if you're really passionate you should be albe to achieve the same as other people in a fraction of the time. OK that may not mean you can go home by mid-afternoon, but it does not mean that your passion will keep your output high even if you knock off at 5.30 like everyone else.

Being passionate about your work, which is generally regarded as being a Good Thing, is about caring whether you do a good job. It's not about how you work; it's about how you feel. So not only do you not have to work long hours to prove your passion, but it wouldn't prove it anyway because it's quite possible to work 16 hours a day and still not care about what you do. It would be a pretty miserable life, granted, but I've known people do it.

So cultivate a positive enthusiasm about your work. If you don't feel passionate about it, look for a new way to view it that makes you care, or work out what would generate that kind of passion in you, and then create it in your work. Now, I'm not saying it's easy. For some people it's a lifelong search. But I'll promise you one thing - if you'renot even looking, you'll never find it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Anger! Keep Your Cool...

"Anyone can become angry - that's easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy," taught Aristotle. With all the stress and pressure in our lives, it is easy to lose our cool at the slightest irritiation. While we are rushing home from work at the end of another exhausting day, we scream at the slow driver in front of us who apparently has all the time in the world.

The problem with losing your temper on a daily basis is that it becomes a habit. And like most habits, a time arrives when it becomes second nature. Personal relationships start unraveling, business partnerships begin to fall apart and your credibility decreases as you become known as "a loose cannon." Effective people are consistent and, in many ways, predictable. Tough times call for cool people and they are always cool and calm when the pressure is on. Keeping you cool in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish. Hurtful words unleashed in a single minute of anger have led to many a broken friendship. Words are like arrows: once released, they are impossible to retrieve. So choose yours with care.

An excellent way to control your temper is simply to count to 100 before you respond to someone who has irritiated you. Another strategy to use is what I call the "Three Gate Test." The ancient sages would only speak if the words they were about to utter passed three gates. At the first gate, they asked themselves, Are these words truthful? If so, the words could then pass on to the second gate. At the second gate, the sages asked, Are these words necessary? If so, they would then pass on to the third gate, where they would ask, Are these words kind? If so, then only would they leave their lips and be sent out into the world. "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them become what they are capable of being." said the German Poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. These are wise words to live by.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Way of Genius

Genius is thinking of something in a way that no one ever has before. Even though there seems to be nothing new under the sun, there are countless things that have not been discovered, invented, explored, or expressed in depth.
As the neuropsychologist Howard Gardner points out, there are as many types and facets of genius as there are forms of intelligence. Instead of discussing categories and qualities of genius, I use this term to describe the highest caliber of thinking or exceptional performance. But no matter how astutely it's defined or described, it remains as mysterious as the universe. Geniuses are able to see what many miss. They see possiblities in the impossible.
Many geniuses can simplify the complex, make the unknown known. They can grasp the ungraspable, making whole what others make only in parts. They can look at old ideas and discover new things in them. They can recombine information in refreshing and novel ways. They can create and adapt concepts. They can optimize knowledge and experiences.

A genius has the ability to see around corners using intuition. A scientific and mathematical genius makes visible the unseen truths of nature, such as light, gravity, electricity, and other phenomena. Geniuses in music, literature, and comedy seem to be able to "get a grip on" things that are untouchable or abstract to most people - things like the way we learn, think, feel, and communicate.

Geniuses not only know how to grasp the packets of information delivered to us at light speed. They also know how to unpack them, and they know how to use the contents of the packets in novel and productive ways.

But how to become one? look forward in my next blog to learn the techniques

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Inspiration of the Day

One of my favourite quotes:
Son, I have done so much with so little for so long; that I can do anything with nothing.
--Chris Gardner's Mother